The Island and the People: A Warrior’s Tale by pabear48

The Island and the People: A Warrior’s Tale

Over the fires a tale is told of a Great Island across the waters where the land fires glow upon and flicker in the deep dark nights from man whom is of the People.
The man was called "Wha-O-Cha" and a respected Warrior of the Nation. He learned from childhood to talk to the creatures formed in the start of the People.
His favorite creature friend was the Night Hawk that flew like the wind during the deep dark nights and had flown over the Island and brought back tales told around the fires back to "Wha-O-Cha" of the many wonders seen from the clouds and with eyes of the Night Hawk.

Of course the turtles said: "Night Hawk cannot see what he says he saw because of the deep darkness and of the fall?"
And, the bears all agreed with the turtles and thought Night Hawk was a Tale Bearer upon the People and especially to "Wha-O-Cha"

They asked the Great Eagle: “You fly high to the tips of the mountains and can see the speck of an eye upon the ground. Have you seen the Island as shared by Night Hawk?

And, Great Eagle responded: " I have seen no Island tales while I fly the great skies of the daylight, but remember I do not fly in the deep dark of the night?" and "Wha-O-Cha" nodded in agreement with Great Eagle. Great Eagle looked upon his friend "Wha-O-Cha" and said: "You are wise, and because of this I give you one of my wing feathers to remind you even in daylight one may not see what may be there?"

"Wha-O-Cha" accepted this great gift of the Eagle Wing Feather and placed it upright in his hair as a reminder that People cannot fly to see and can only see what their eyes allow them to see. To this day many of the People honor and wear the Great Eagle Wing Feather to remind them to always watch and look to see.

"Wha-O-Cha" added Cedar upon the fire and the sparks arose and crackled the coals, and the night sky flickered and great smoke arose. The heat was so strong that many of the favorite creatures moved away a little from the roar of the dancing flames, and "Wha-O-Cha" saw this and remembered that fires can burn even friends. To this day the People keep Sacred Fires in memory of the time when the creatures all talked to the People and when eyes could see what eyes could see. Fires became a friend in the cold and a way of heating the meat, and a way to see the flicker of eyes within the deep dark nights.

Spoke now Night Hawk:

" In a way I say it has saddened me little creatures, to see that you cannot see because you cannot believe I saw what I have seen. Because of this doubt has entered upon the People, and you will doubt more and more as moons pass and suns rise. And, the Island will slip more away from even "Wha-O-Cha" who is the Greatest Warrior of the People and can talk with all the little creatures. The Island is real and is a passing unto the People. A place of great beauty and hunting grounds overflowing and the place where Creator sits upon the White Buffalo. Entrance for man comes from the deep dark night of passing over, and the fires of the land cast the pathway to follow across the Living Waters to Walk with the Creator."

"Wha-O-Cha" nodded: and said, "It shall be told from generation upon generation the tale of the Night Hawk, and fires will be lit each time a Warrior or one of the People meet the great deep darkness so the waters may flicker and the pathways lit for eyes to see what eyes with doubt see not. I have spoken, and shall speak no more with the creatures with doubt."

So was told the Tale unto this day.

I am Wha-O Chee (Bear Standing )

[ of the Mide manido ("Grand Medicine spirit") ] {Eternal Medicine


And I share to the Nations that which I have received